

I'm supposed to be in the library reading for my qualification exam (quals). But alas, I didn't look at the library hours and they don't open for another couple hours, so I decided to update my blog. It's been awhile. I suppose I could do a status check.

School: I successfully defended my thesis in January and finally managed to post the document in June. So I will officially get my Master's Degree in August/September time frame. The degree will say "Master of Science". I'm pretty excited about that! Technically I could quit and get a job somewhere making pretty decent money, well, enough to live on my own anyway. But that seems silly.

I take the two written tests for my qualification exams on the 9th and 11th of August (yes, they are straddling my birthday). Then I do the oral defense on August 23rd. I'm pretty nervous about them right now, but with everything, I know I will get through it. And then I will be ABD (All But Dissertation), which is an official title for the record. So it's silly to get a job when all I have left to finish is to do my dissertation, see?

Work: Well, I am still enjoying teaching, though I would like to make improvements in my knowledge base. But I know that will come with time. It looks like I will be a TA next quarter here for a social psychology research methods course. This might actually be a good thing since I wanted to do social when I first applied to grad schools. My only concern at this point is that the class is 8 hours/week. That's a lot of time to be sitting in a classroom.

I start teaching at UD on Aug. 25th and to say I'm nervous would be an understatement. It's a good nervous though. I'm excited! I get to create my own syllabus and tests and quizzes and attendance policy. It will be my *very own* class. And, it's teaching statistics. So, excited is the word. :-)

Family: Still living with mom. Still *desperately* can't wait to be living on my own again. I'm too much of a loner to enjoy this living situation. I know it's painful for her for me to want to be out of there so badly, so I try not to show it, but my skin is crawling with the need to be free.

The girls are getting huge and it's breaking my heart! Alia is almost up to my shoulder!! Caitlyn starts kindergarten this year and Natalie will be going to preschool. :-( I get to take them school clothes shopping after my written test. That will be a total blast! I really do loving spending time with them. Alia and I will probably go to the bookstore, get some books and spend some time reading. I love that she reads so much. I just hope that she also keeps up with her writing as well. Caitlyn is so sweet and generoous. I hope she never loses that. We will probably go to the mall and ride all the mechanical rides there. She *loves* that. And I love seeing her face when she's riding them. It's like Christmas or something. Natalie of course will want to eat. That's kind of her thing. We will probably go to Qdoba and get guacamole. She is so energetic! I hope when she gets older she can focus that energy into solving the world's problems. :-) Right now they are in Gatlinburg. I wish I could have gone with them, but I really needed to get quals done.

Love life: Well, I am in my 30's (31 in 9 days now!), so everyone wants to know what my love life status is. Am I seeing someone? Well, no. That's the short answer. Remember when I said I had gone through a breakup of sorts? Well, I haven't exactly cut off contact with that person so my heart is still fully invested, even though it's pointless. I've learned a lot from the situation though. Among other important things, I've learned that I need someone who loves me back and is willing to do what it takes to show me that.

I don't feel like trying to find someone permanent right now. 1. I don't think he's here in Dayton. I want to move far, far away and most of the people I meet here don't. 2. I don't have time. Relationships take, and deserve, work. I just don't have that kind of time. So, yes I'm single. And even more importantly, I'm ok with that.

Health: Still no insurance. I decided to go to my 'woman' doctor the other day to get my checkup. You know, the annual exam I haven't had since 2004. Well, it turns out I should have gone much sooner. I am having a procedure tomorrow that I've had twice before and wish to never have to have ever again. That procedure will determine if I have to have a simple surgery procedure. All of this is paid for out of pocket. :-( In the end, I need to find a doctor (once I have insurance) who will just do the hysterectomy and oophorectomy. Then I wouldn't have to worry about all the problems I have compounding on each other like I do now. Other than that, fit as a fiddle.

I haven't been working out recently, but once I am done with quals it's back on. :-) I'm going to start running. I went a couple times last week and I like it. I may even try to do a 5K before the end of the year. But we'll see. :-S

OK, well that was more than anyone wanted to know about me. Good thing no one reads this. :-)

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