Once again, we braved it and watched all 10 Oscar nominated movies across 2 weekends. So I give you my thoughts (for whatever they are worth to you) on the movies, characters, actors, stories, etc.
Let me start with 127 Hours. We didn't watch it. I get to veto watching one movie every year. Last year it was District 9 and this year it was 127 Hours. Must be something with having a number in the title. I was sad to miss James Franco, but I knew how it ended and didn't want to watch it for 2 agonizing hours. So I cannot comment on that movie.
As with last year, I feel that 5 movies should not have been nominated, but I will put them in the order I think they should win with a few comments about the movies themselves.
1. King's Speech - They did a good job with casting (except Guy Pearce - he is 7 years younger than his older brother???) I think Colin Firth was amazing and should win for Best Actor. Geoffrey Rush was also great, but unfortunately I don't think he should win for Supporting Actor (more to come on that later). The only thing I didn't like about the movie was how they handled the Edward-Simpson storyline. Maybe that's the next movie they should make. Overall, very funny with lovable (if not relatable) characters. The acting was great and I left the movie feeling very happy.
2. Black Swan - This movie managed to creep me out the second time around too. It was great! I did find myself staring at Benjamin this time, now that I know he's the baby daddy. I still left wondering if Mila Kunis actually existed or if she was just the representation....hmmmm?! Loved it, but I liked King's Speech a little more. Also, Natalie Portman, hands down, deserves Best Actress.
3. The Fighter - This movie ran a bit long for my taste, but the casting was perfect. I will lose all faith in humanity if Christian Bale does not win Best Supporting Actor. Amy Adams showed that she is more than a rom-com expert and was that Melissa Leo? Hello! Marky Mark, well, he can pull off the boxer part. :-) Stick around for the credits and see the real life guys the movie was based on and you will see why Christian Bale was so great.
4. True Grit - Well done Cohen Brothers. I didn't hate it. In fact, I actually liked it (minus all the horse killing, grrr). Maybe Steven Spielberg was an influence? Whatever. It worked. Jeff Bridges never disappoints. I haven't seen the original, so I can't make a comparison, but this movie was riveting and entertaining. "Well I usually go backwards when I'm backing up." Good lines and good story. Oh, and great job Hailee Steinfeld! Holding your own against Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon deserves a huge round of applause. Looking forward to seeing what she does next.
5. Inception - Still left my mind boggled after the second time watching it, which I can appreciate in a movie. The effects were great. I think Ellen Page was the worst choice for that role. She needs to stick with her sarcastic roles and stay away from the serious roles. She had no chemistry with any of the characters and Joseph Gordon-Levitt was in the movie. I mean come on!
6. Winter's Bone - This was a decent movie. I certainly felt the poverty they were depicting. The accents were as difficult to understand as some parts of The King's Speech and the story wasn't always particularly obvious. Jennifer Lawrence was a good choice and my how she can transform. Nothing about this movie really stood out, except how I was waiting for something the whole time that never really came.
7. The Kids are all Right - This movie was just all right. There was nothing spectacular about this movie at all. I got exactly what I suspected from Julianne Moore and Annette Bening. Good movie, but not worthy of top 10.
8. The Social Network - Just because it's a movie about a popular website does not mean it belongs in the Best Movie category. Not a good movie. Not one character was like-able or relatable. The storyline was boring. Enough said.
9. Toy Story 3 - Should not have been nominated since it gets its own category. Plus, I'm not a fan of the Toy Story movies.
10. 127 Hours - See above.
I'm very torn on the Best Supporting Actress category. Amy Adams, Melissa Leo, and Hailee Steinfeld all rocked my world. I won't be disappointed if any of these ladies wins.
How to Train Your Dragon should win for Best Animated Feature.
Feel free to agree or disagree. Just remember this is all opinion-based, so no throwing insults please. :-)
We'll be at the Neon tonight to watch the Oscars. Join us for the fun!
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