I am not going to spend time bitching about the travel process. We all know the romance of getting from point A to B (flying anyway) is dead. That was also true for this trip. The only part that matters is that I made it to London in one piece. I'm here!
I took the tube from Heathrow, after a very embarrassing 10 minute wait to find out the entrance was *right* behind me. It was super easy and I only had one transfer. And a very nice gent helped me up the stairs with my big-ass bag. Thank you total stranger!!
After a MUCH-needed shower and some mandatory fish n chips, we went on a walking tour. We came out of the tube at Westminster bridge. I've mentioned I've been to London before right? The thing is, it's still magical to see it all and really fun to see others seeing it for the first time. A panoramic view includes Big Ben, Parliament, the river Thames, the London Eye, and an all together beautiful scene. It was too bright and the sun was in a terrible position for decent pictures, but I've included some because we all know that's why you are reading this anyway. ;-)
The London Eye was not here the lsat time I was, about 15 years ago. |
Big Ben, the bell not the clock |
Sue and I got separated from the group, ironically when we were trying to link up with some people who were already separated from the group. We caught up to them around the other side, at Westminster Abbey.
Looking at Big Ben from the Abbey |
Westminster Abbey |
Sue and I decided we would come back and spend some proper time here for pictures and touring, so I'll have more and better pictures later.
We meandered around to Buckingham Palace. There is a lot of scaffolding and railings everywhere because there are about 100 events occurring in this city this summer. I believe the Buckingham Palace event is a pop concert for the queen.
Then it was time to head over to the Eye to ride. I was trying hard not to be terrified, but I wasn't scared at all while we rode it.
At the very top |
View on the way down |
The river Thames, Parliament, and Big Ben |
The Aquarium |
We were offered tickets to see 39 Steps, but by the time we got home it was too late and I was too dead. I was sad to miss it, but I would never have made it through the show. Instead I went to bed to get some much-needed sleep.
I have a bit of a cold going on, so today was spent downing Lemsip and water in large quantities, and sleeping and watching TV on and off. We will probably go get some food when Sue gets done teaching; I'll try to remember to take pics because I know how much they mean to you.
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