
Years in Review - 2013/4

2 and a half years! Yikes. I'm no good at this.

Time for a (long) review

2013 - A disappointing year for new movies, I only watched 59. Ugh! I couldn't squeeze one more? Lame.
2014 - I made it to 65! Whoo! A nice round-er number. I had the added benefit of watching all the Oscar nominated movies across 2 weekends. Also, I don't leave the house except to go to the movies so not having a life helps. ;-)
(I track my movies with a very short review on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/coolaunterin/ )

2013 - My goal was 20 in 2013 which I barely made. I'm a slow reader and there were some big books on the list that year.
2014 - My goal for 2014 was 25, which I blew by. To be fair, they were mostly young adult books, but I did find myself reading a lot more. Good for me!
(I track my books on goodreads.com. My username is coolaunterin.)

2013 - Big year of starting a new job in a new city. I moved to San Antonio to begin work at St. Mary's University as a Visiting Assistant Professor.
2014 - There is really nothing new to report (which is actually a good thing). I was able to prep several new classes these past 2 semesters. Over the summer, I worked with an undergrad student on a research project.

2013 - I went to Scotland for a talk at the now defunct (*sobs wildly*) Scottish Ruby Conference. I went to Albuquerque with my friend Cristina for the Balloon Fiesta. I also managed to drive a 10ft. moving truck, towing my Corolla, 1300 miles from Dayton to San Antonio. While it was technically traveling, it wasn't nearly as fun. Ok, it was a fun as flying through Newark or JFK on a heavy travel day when you lose your luggage and miss your connection internationally.
2014 - This has been a disappointingly light travel year. Mom came to visit me in October. We went to Lubbock to visit the Buddy Holly Museum. It was a quick trip given the 6 hour drive one-way, but it was a ton of fun.

2013 - Saying good-bye to the girls before leaving for San Antonio was the hardest thing I've ever done.
2014 - When I was back over the summer, I was able to spend a lot of time with the girls. I went on all day dates with each of them and I tried to spend as much time as I could with them. When I'm not in Ohio, we keep in constant contact. Thanks to their awesome parents I get full access to them.

2013 - Getting a teaching job sans degree was pretty impressive. Not finishing my degree that year was a little less so.
2014 - I spent most of the summer working on a dissertation that I successfully defended on Aug. 28th (or was it the 29th?). Go me! Meh.

2013 - I live in an amazing house. I will always love everything about this house. Well, almost everything. I encountered my first (and gods willing only) black widow spider. Orkin now gets $80 every 2 months.
2014 - I still love my house, but the critters are getting to be too much. A wolf spider the size of my hand, 2 scorpions (one outside and one INSIDE MY M-F*&^%$# HOUSE), and 2 snakes. It's getting old. My friend Cait and I had a Fitbit challenge which I have been failing miserably at.

So what's next?

I don't like making resolutions, so I'll consider some goals for 2015.

Movies - I'm thinking striving for more movies in a year might be a stretch and it might also make me uber pathetic. As of right now I plan to watch the Oscar nominated movies, which always boosts my numbers. The nominations aren't out yet and I like to wait to see the list before making my decision.

Books - My goal for 2015 will be lower than this year, but I have some books that I want to read that will take me a long time, like A Dance with Dragons, The Two Towers, The Return of the King, etc. Those will take me awhile to get through and I don't want to get stuck reading Dr. Seuss to play catch up to an unattainable goal. So, I'll set my goal to 20? 21?

Travel - I'm contemplating a trip to Scotland next year, it's been sooooo long, but money has been pretty restrictive recently. I'll see what I can do. I want to make it to Philly for SIOP this year, but again, funds are always lacking.

Personal - My spring schedule at school is a little more streamlined so going for more walks seems doable. I finally got rid of my shitty Tuesday schedule which is a blessing. Now I just need to find a big stick to keep all the creatures away from me.

Stonehenge and Salisbury

One of the activities planned for the students was a trip to Stonehenge and the city of Salisbury. Did you read that? I wrote STONEHENGE!!! It was a bucket list item and now it has been checked off! I can't describe my excitement over this. Let the pictures help describe it:

About as close as we can get
So big!
From every angle
The peak at the top helped the stones stay on top...well, mostly
Me. At Stonehenge!! 
There were loads of people there
And another view
Sue and I at Stonehenge
One last view
After visiting Stonehenge with the rest of all the tourists ever, we headed into the city of Salisbury. It is famous for it's beautiful cathedral. We wandered through the town first.

Quaint little countryside town
In St. Thomas church...

paintings that survived several hundred years